Major Incident Unit
SV53 CNO is a former Grampian Fire and Rescue Service Major Incident Unit (MIU), built by Saxon on a Scania 94D-300 chassis. The appliance is designed to provide critical support during large-scale emergencies, particularly those involving urban search and rescue (USAR) and heavy rescue operations. The appliance is equipped with a forklift on the rear to assist with the transportation of palletized equipment, which includes vital USAR tools and resources needed for complex rescue situations.
The vehicle was provided by the Scottish Government under the National Fire Resilience. Stationed at North Anderson Drive Fire Station, the appliance operates on a wholetime basis. The vehicle is 'jump-crewed' by the first-out pump, meaning the crew from that pump will move to the MIU when mobilising. The second-out pump will also mobilise alongside the MIU as a support pump.
(775) 2004: Appliance is newly allocated to North Anderson Drive fire station.
(Q01U1) 2016: Following the 2013 amalgamation of all eight Scottish fire and rescue services the appliance callsign is updated to a national standard.