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Prime Mover


N403 XRS was a former Grampian Fire and Rescue Service prime mover manufactured by Multi Lift on a Scania 93M-220 chassis. The prime mover was last stationed at Huntly Fire Station and was operated on a retained duty basis before being auctioned off in 2024.


(975) 1998: Appliance is newly allocated to Altens fire station.

(374) 2001: Appliance is re-allocated to Elgin fire station.

(954) 2004: Appliance is re-allocated to Stonehaven fire station.

(364) 2006: Appliance is re-allocated to Elgin fire station.

(N/A) 2007/8: Appliance becomes a reserve appliance.

(R47T6) 2017: Appliance is re-allocated to Huntly Fire Station, Following the 2013 amalgamation of all eight Scottish fire and rescue services the appliance callsign is updated to a national standard.

(N/A) 2024: Appliance is auctioned off.


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